
San Jose Costa Rica
Perpetual Education Fund
Self-Reliance Center Mission

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Well we made it to the Missionary Training Center (M.T.C.) in Provo, Utah. We've been here for 2 days, but it seems like 2 weeks. We keep looking @ each other & saying that we can't believe we're here! It's also interesting to refer to ourselves as Elder & Sister Petersen. When we get to Costa Rica on April 3rd, we'll be Elder & Hermana Petersen. As they say in Costa Rica, "tuanis", which means cool.

I have a few words of advice to give to any senior, that's considering going on a mission. First of all, go when you're young & get that experience under your belt. Second, don't wait till you hit the M.T.C., to "thirst on the word", or in other words, study the scriptures. I'm behind the 8 ball. Third, study a 2nd language & start now, preferably one that your spouse knows. They only have Senior missionaries stay in the M.T.C. for a short time & language is not part of the schedule, & fourth, get you house & affairs in order long before you put your papers in.

It's so fun to see ALL the missionaries here, young, old(er), Elders, sisters & from & going all over the world!! 85 senior missionaries checked in with us, 11 of which are single sisters. 2 of those are sister Sisters.

Being a senior missionary comes with plenty of jokes such as, references to hearing aids, medications, difficulty staying awake etc. There's even a special lounge for the seniors for taking a nap if needed. There's no time though, to take a nap.

The thrill for me was tonight @ the Devotional when all the missionaries sang, loud & very enthusiastic : )

Here We Go!

It's a big day today, March 23, 2014. Our 2nd of 2 sacrament meeting talks before leaving for our mission. Last week we spoke in our home ward, the South Weber 4th & today, we spoke in the South Weber Y.S.A. Ward. WE LOVE YOUNG SINGLE ADULTS!! 

President Rob Ferrell, along with his counselors in the Syracuse Lakeview Y.S.A. Stake, Pres. Alan Parrish & Pres. Bruce Chang, gave both Val & I a blessing. Later in the day, we were set apart as missionaries by our Stake President, Steve Peterson. Our children, grand-children, Val's Mom & our brothers & sisters were all there to support us.

This is our family, minus Melanie's husband Jeff. It was fantastic to have everyone here this past weekend.